Our Story

Meeting the need

OnRamp DFW is a Dallas transplant of OnRamp TX, which was born from the vision of Blake and Julie Jennings in College Station, TX. As they actively engaged in loving and serving their community, Blake and Julie noticed a common theme of individuals and families being trapped in cycles of poverty after losing a vehicle or reliable transportation. Their subsequent research opened their eyes to the large segment of society that has been shut out of work, education, civil, and social opportunities due to the lack of a vehicle. This segment has mostly attracted the attention of predatory businesses, which has only furthered the cycle of poverty. With the dual goals of helping these individuals and families become self-sustaining and getting the entire community involved in the process, Blake and Julie founded OnRamp TX out of the overwhelming desire to share the grace of God, which has been richly shared with them.

OnRamp DFW seeks to emulate the model and effectiveness of OnRamp TX in the Dallas area, which has one of the most segregated populations and highest levels of transportation disparity in the United States. The board of OnRamp DFW share the unified desire to live out their faith in Jesus by helping people in need of reliable transportation get back on the road to stability.

David Russell
President, OnRamp DFW

OnRamp DFW was featured on a Storteller Spotlight video at Woodcreek Church in Richardson, TX.